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Wedding turns sour as groom ejects brother over hurtful prank targeting bride’s insecurities. AITA?

Wedding turns sour as groom ejects brother over hurtful prank targeting bride’s insecurities. AITA?


"AITA for kicking my brother out of my wedding for making my fiancée cry?"


My wedding was this past weekend, and I’m honestly still in shock over what happened. My fiancée (now wife) and I have been together for 7 years. We’ve gone through everything together—moving in, job losses, her battle with anxiety, everything. So our wedding day was supposed to be our day to finally celebrate all that, right? Well, it was—until my brother decided to ruin it.

For context, my brother (30M) has always had a weird thing about “pranks.” He calls them jokes, but honestly, they’ve always been mean-spirited and embarrassing. Growing up, I’d laugh it off or get mad, and he'd say I was being too sensitive. But this time, it went way too far.

During our reception, he got up to give a speech. I thought it would be nice—maybe he'd say something heartfelt for once. But no. Instead, he pulls out a freaking slideshow of "hilarious" photos of my wife—old ones from her Instagram where she’s crying, looking vulnerable, or just super unflattering.

And he starts making jokes about her weight fluctuations, saying how she used to "look like a twig" when we first started dating and now she’s "more well-fed." My wife’s face turned white. She started crying quietly, and my brother? He just kept going, laughing like he was the funniest guy on the planet. The whole room was dead silent.

I saw red. I stood up, walked right over to him, and told him to leave—right in the middle of his “speech.” I said he was done, and I didn't care if he was my brother. My wife was humiliated.

He tried to brush it off, saying I was ruining the fun and that “everyone else thought it was funny.” No one laughed. Not one person. He refused to leave at first, so I told security to get him out. He stormed out, calling me a "f'ing drama queen" on the way out.

Now, my parents are furious with me for embarrassing my brother at "my own wedding." They think I overreacted, that I should have let it slide because "he didn’t mean it." My mom even said my wife was overreacting too and that this was all just part of his “sense of humor.”

My wife hasn’t stopped crying since. I told my family we're taking a break from them. But now my phone is blowing up with texts from my mom and dad, saying I’ve fractured the family and ruined my own wedding over a joke. I get that I blew up, but I couldn’t stand seeing my wife so hurt. Did I go too far, AITA?

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


NTA. You protected your wife from a cruel attack. Your brother's actions were unacceptable and your family's response is enabling his bad behavior. You did the right thing.


Yeah, this. Your brother really embarrassed your wife in what was meant to be a special day to celebrate you both. It sounds like he's got a lot of growing up to do and you are the first one to tell him so.

Your wife is now a part of your family and your brother needs to realise that he has seriously messed up. Your parents have probably been enabling your brother too. He needs to man up and apologise. NTA.


And now everyone knows what a complete AH the brother is...someone has just got to tell the parents they've backed the wrong child.


Your parents are the reason your brother has problems now. You need to tell them that your brother has alienated you and no one else at the wedding seemed impressed with him.

By refusing to teach him how to behave when he was nasty as a child and by making excuses for him, they have isolated him. Your brother ruined your wedding and your parents are supporting him and continuing to hound you about it. That should tell you all you need to know.


NTA, your brother sounds like a selfish and cruel person who has disguised his bullying as humor for too long. It's time people start holding him accountable for his actions. Good on you for standing up for your wife and not tolerating his toxic behavior.

You did the right thing, and your family should support you and your wife instead of enabling your brother's hurtful actions. Congrats on your wedding, and I hope your wife feels better soon.


NTA. Your brother is the one who fractured the family not you. Honestly go LC or NC with them. You have your own family now. Focus on that.


Totally. Block them all. Your focus should be on your wife and building your future with her. And there’s a lot to heal from here. She should come first and that they can’t even give you space… nah. NTA.


NTA. Your brother has a history of "joking" in a mean-spirited way, and he crossed the line at your wedding. Your wife's feelings and well-being should be more important to your family than your brother's "sense of humor." Kudos to you for standing up for your wife and not allowing your brother to continue humiliating her. You did the right thing.


Nta. He ruined the wedding by being cruel and using the excuse that it was a joke. Your parents obviously are either dumb or have facilitated this poor behavior in him so much that they are delusional enough to think it’s ok to call a bride fat and humiliate her at a wedding. Then have the audacity to try and guilt you for standing up for your wife who was crying at her own wedding.

They are toxic. You seem like you have overcome these dysfunctional interactions and become enough of a human being to know it was unacceptable. I would keep my brother and my parents away from the wife. They will bully her and belittle her until she is so beaten down like the bullies they are.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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